Your organization is providing a directory of for you a member to advertise yourself to outsiders looking for the skills your organization provides. The directory has several ways for you to be listed including a browse by category. These categories or groups have been created in a way that allow a visitor to start with very general description and work down to more and more specific descriptions. As such groups are structured in the form of a tree with the more general groups at the top.
To help you understand this better we will work with the example to the right. You see two columns of groups with buttons in the middle to add or remove. The left set of groups are those you have selected and the right are those available. The dashes are a way to visualize hierarchy. For example "Fiction" is a sub-category of "CAL Members" and "Adult Books" is a sub-category of "Fiction".
You should choose the group that best describes you. In the example the member is an adult book fiction writer. The most descriptive group or category for this writer is "Adult Books" under "Fiction" and you can see this selection on the left group as "- - - Adult Books". When "Adult Books" is selected, the system implicitly selects all higher or more general groupings ensuring that you are visible there as well.
In the left hand column the system shows your explicit selections in a bolder blue ( - - - Adult Books) and implicit selections in italic gray (- - Fiction). The right hand column shows a list of available groups from which you may select. On this side the bolder blue items are available selections and the italic gray are those you have already selected.
You can add a category or group by selecting one of the bolder groups on the right and clicking the "Add" button and conversely remove a grouping by clicking on one of the bolder groups on the left and clicking "Remove". For example if this is your account and you also write non-fiction self-help books but are not a poet, you would select "- - Poets" on the left then click "Remove" and following this select "- - Self-Help" on the right and click "Add".
When you perform these changes you will see the columns on the left and the right immediately change to reflect your choice. Your group selections are always made effective on the website as soon as you click the "Add" or "Delete" buttons and the "Cancel" button will not undo the changes. This is different from all the other entries on this page which require that you click "Submit" for the changes to be reflected on the website.
As stated earlier, please be as selective as possible in your choice of groups. If you believe that you belong in a category that isn't represented in the selection list, please make a request for that category to be added before selecting an inappropriate one. Your organization will decide if the new category is appropriate or help you determine which of the available you should choose.